“Lift” by Faisal Hoque Is A Must-Read. — Readers’ Favorite

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If you want to be this kind of new leader, or if the idea excites you for the great changes it could bring, “Lift: Fostering the Leader in You Amid Revolutionary Global Change” by Faisal Hoque is a must-read.


Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite

Lift: Fostering the Leader in You Amid Revolutionary Global Change (English and Spanish Edition), by Faisal Hoque, Jeff Wuorio, and Shelley Moench-Kelly, is a compelling, powerful guide to transforming leadership around the globe. Our world is changing by the day, month, and year, and will continue to change. In the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, COVID-19, climate change, and economic instability, emphasis should now be placed on a different style of leadership–out with the old way of short-term results; in with a new way of people-centered, long-term results. These authors show how this is the perfect time to make some changes that will actually make a difference in this generation and the ones to come. This leadership style can extend to all facets of how we operate, from work, leisure, government, management, and beyond.

The authors call this type of leader “transformational”, one who leads with the long view in mind, and concrete solutions, not just theory or platitudes. This style of leading involves compassion, action, emotional intelligence, and learning by experience. Although the entire book is fascinating and inspiring, I was most intrigued by the chapter that explained the Fourth Industrial Revolution, aka 4IR, which interconnects global technologies. After reading this book, you too may realize that we will probably never go back to the way we did things before COVID-19–change is needed, and now is the perfect time. Another interesting chapter is on the spread of misinformation, and how this new way of leading can address it. There is so much in this book to like, and the possibilities are far-reaching: finance, ethics, healthcare, technology, education, co-bots (robots acting as co-workers), etc. If you want to be this kind of new leader, or if the idea excites you for the great changes it could bring, Lift: Fostering the Leader in You Amid Revolutionary Global Change by Faisal Hoque is a must-read.

[Original review can be found here.]


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