
How Da Vinci-Like Thinking Helps You Imagine Future Success

Da Vinci’s belief that “everything connects” helped make him the 15th-century Italian Renaissance man we all admire today. And it was another legendary thinker who noted that “the past is prologue.” Connect the dots to create a pretty picture for you and your business.

In 2022, Leverage Positive Change

We all have an obligation to ourselves and others to understand, nurture, and manage the “revolution” that’s taking place—rather than having revolutionary change manage us.

3 Traits of Highly Resilient People

Resilient people develop a mental capacity that allows them to adapt with ease during adversity. Like bamboo, they bend but rarely break. How resilient are you?

Make A Fresh Start With These Powerful Habits

Look at things with a beginner’s mind. A beginner’s mind allows us to embrace the highest emotional qualities — such as enthusiasm, zeal, and optimism — to creatively move ourselves forward.