
March Forward

“March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life’s path.” ~ Khalil Gibran

Rhythm of Living

“Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime, Therefore, we are saved by hope.” ~ Reinhold Niebuhr


“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” ~ Khalil Gibran


“If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.” ~ Unknown

Now & Today!

“I can’t control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. There’s only now, there’s only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.” ~ RENT, Johnathan Larson

Our Journey

‎”We should not get paralyzed by our desire for the destination, as the destination is often not as important as how we guide ourselves along our journey.” ~ Faisal Hoque


“Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” ~ Buddha


“Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them day after day.” ~ Arthur Gordon

Keeping True

“Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right, decide on what you think is right and stick to it.” ~ George Eliot